Shallow marine strata of the Devonian delta complex range from lower delta plain with some marine influence to lagoon, barrier island, shallow shelf, shelf margin, and gentle or steep slope, progressing seaward to deep-water deposits of black shales and some pelagic limestones. Shallow marine depositional history and lithofacies at any one place vary through time depending on: (1) tectonic uplift of source area and rate of erosion, (2) subsidence of the major basin, (3) sea-level changes, (4) localized basement tectonics, (5) random shifts of delta distributaries, (6) extent of delta progradation across the basin, (7) tidal amplitude, (8) longshore drift, and (9) intensity of mass wastage of the delta front.Deposition of prodelta muds immediately above the Oriskany Sandstone and Wallbridge Discontinuity began the history of the Catskill Delta complex. The initiation of prodelta siltstones shifted southward from New York in the Cazenovia Age to Tennessee in the Bradford Age. Maximum delta lobe progradation occurred simultaneously in all delta lobes in the mid-Bradford Age. The location with maximum detrital accumulation rate in eastern outcrop belts shifted southward from New York in the Middle Devonian to west-central Virginia in the very late Devonian, to southwestern Virginia at the beginning of the Mississippian. The area uplifted east of New York appears to have been reduced from the dominant sediment-input center as the locus of Acadian maximum uplift progressed southward.
SCOPE OF PAPERThis paper emphasizes the strata deposited seaward from nonmarine, fluvial sediments and shoreward from deep-water black shales. This includes lower-delta-plain intertidal areas, the zone of wave interaction, barrier islands and lagoons, the shelf area generally below wave base except during large storms, the shelf margin, a gentle decline of slope toward deeper water and poorly oxygenated sediments, and/or turbidites at the foot of slopes and landward from basin-bottom. The deeper water sediments beyond the reach of turbidity currents or storm agitation are excluded. On the west side of the Appalachian basin some of the black shales change facies to more calcareous strata, probably representing better oxygenated conditions on the margin of the Cincinnati-Algonquin arch, but those areas are beyond the influence of the Catskill Delta. Some deep-water, pelagic micrites (Tully and Purcell Limestones from Pennsylvania to Virginia, for example) formed below wave-base when little terrigeneous detri-tus was entering the deeper basin, and these important timemarkers are not deltaic deposits.
FACTORS AFFECTING DELTAIC SEDIMENTATIONDetails of deltaic sedimentation are less understood in the southern part of the Appalachian basin than in the north, because of the longer history of studies in New York and Pennsylvania and because of less severe structural deformation in the New York and extreme eastern Pennsylvania outcrops. However, the broad outlines of sedimentary tectonics are now becoming apparent for the entire Catskill Delta compl...