Background and MotivationOne of the most common manifestations of space weather is the spontaneous generation of broadband plasma density irregularities in the postsunset equatorial F-region ionosphere. The phenomenon, often referred to as equatorial spread F (ESF) because of the spreading it produces in ionogram traces (Booker & Wells, 1938), is attributed to interchange instability in the F region which can become unstably stratified with the cessation of photoionization. The connection between ESF and interchange instabilities was established by Woodman and La Hoz (1976) who were the first to render coherent backscatter radar profiles observed at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in range-time-intensity (RTI) image format. Their images resembled numerical simulations of interchange instabilities in barium clouds (e.g., Ossakow, 1981). Earlier, working also at Jicamarca, Farley et al (1970) had established a causal relationship between the height of the F layer at sunset and the occurrence probability of ESF, a finding which is consistent with if not uniquely indicative of interchange instability. Later, true images of large-scale irregularities associated with ESF were observed with the ALTAIR radar on Kwajalein which can scan from horizon to horizon (Tsunoda et al., 1979). These, together with increasingly accurate and finely resolved numerical simulations, cemented the link between ESF and ionospheric interchange instability (see e.g.,