Active magnetic bearing(AMB)is a prime component of the more electric aircraft technology that aims at reducing weight and emissions, and augmenting reliability and efficiency for future aircraft. However, maneuvering flight of the aircraft will introduce great disturbance to control system, which will deteriorate its performance and even cause instability. In this paper, a mathematical model considering maneuver equivalent force is presented and based on the model a feedforward L∞-gain controller to compensate the effect of maneuver flight on the AMB-rotor system. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controller is verified by numerical simulations.
Nomenclature( , ) aa xy = radial displacement of the rotor at the front pivot a O ( , ) bb xy = radial displacement of the rotor at the back pivot b O ( , ) gg xy = radial displacement of the rotor at the barycenter g O g = angle of the rotor in x g -z plane g = angle of the rotor in y g -z plane z = axial position of the rotor a l = distance between a O and g O b l = distance between b O and g O l = ab ll m = mass of the rotor or J = diameter inertia of the rotor oz J = pole inertia of the rotor e = eccentricity of the rotor