Micromechanical damage modeling is presented with the parametric high-fidelity generalized method of cells for a long fiber reinforced composite. Two models for a planar single fiber repeating unit cell, including damage, are proposed. The first one, implemented with the spatial continuum damage mechanics, is based on the idea that volumetric defects occur in the material phases. The other one, modeled with the interface damage mechanics, is founded on the view that cracks as surface-like defects cause the stress degradation. The potential and ability of both approaches to predict damage in first-order homogenization is shown by comparing the simulation results with each other as well as with test data under uniaxial and biaxial stress loading.
Micromechanical ModelsTwo micromechanical models are proposed to describe the fundamental failure processes in long fiber reinforced composites. The first one, based on the spatial continuum damage mechanics (CDM), introduces a scalar damage variable The continuity and periodicity of tractions and displacements along the subcell boundaries of the RUC, as well as the static equilibrium in each subcell need to be satisfied in the high-fidelity generalized method of cells (HFGMC) in an integral average, see [1,3]. A system of nonlinear equations is obtained by evaluating these conditions and taking evolving continuum damage into account. It is solved with a staggered solution scheme, see [1]. The interfacial jump condition with averaged quantities, denoted by Ď p‚q in Fig. 1 right, replaces the displacement continuity for a compliant interface between two neighboring subcells. Then, the underlying conditions of the HFGMC also lead to a system of nonlinear equations due to the interface damage, which is solved by NEWTON's method, see [2]. A staggered solution scheme is used if convergence fails.