We show that a length scale ξ can be extracted from the spatial correlations of the "steep cliffs" that appear on fracture surface. Above ξ, the slope amplitudes are uncorrelated and the fracture surface is mono-affine. Below ξ, long-range spatial correlation lead to a multi-fractal behavior of the surface, reminiscent of turbulent flows. Our results support a unifying conjecture for the geometry of fracture surfaces: for scales > ξ the surface is the trace left by an elastic line propagating in a random medium, while for scales < ξ the highly correlated patterns on the surface result from the merging of interacting damage cavities.After thirty years of research, it is now well established that fracture surfaces exhibit robust universal fractal statistical properties, first reported in [1] and recently reviewed in [2]. Yet, identifying the physical mechanisms that lead to such fractal structures is still an open problem [3]. The most commonly used approach to characterize the roughness of fractal cracks is to study the scaling of the off-plane height variation δh of the fracture surface with the observation scale δr. The variance of this distribution shows a scaling law δh 2 ∼ δr 2ζ where ζ is the so-called roughness exponent. For purely brittle failure, the roughness exponent is reported to be ζ ≈ 0.45 [5,6] whereas for materials that undergo damage during failure, ζ ≈ 0.75 [7,8]. It has been conjectured that these exponents are the signature of the fracture mechanism above and below the size of the process zone [4]. However, standard methods for extracting roughness exponents are not able to elicit the differences between the fracture mechanisms in the two regimes.Here we propose a different approach for characterizing crack roughness statistics by focusing on the local slopes of the fracture surfaces and their spatial correlations. This allows us to identify unambiguously two scaling regimes: above some length scale ξ, the slope amplitudes are uncorrelated and the fracture surface displays a mono-affine Gaussian behavior with a roughness exponent of ζ ≈ 0.45. Below ξ, long-range spatial correlations do appear and lead to a multi-fractal behavior of the surface. Our findings show that the presence of two distinct regimes of roughness first reported in Refs. [9, 10] is a generic feature of fracture surfaces and is reminiscient of the brittle mode of failure that takes place at large scale and of the damage mechanisms present in the tip vicinity. In addition, it reveals the subtle organization of crack roughness at small length scales δx < ξ, reminiscent of the phenomenology of turbulent flows [11]. In particular, we relate quantitatively the multi-fractal spectrum measured at these length scales with the spatial correlations of the local slopes, and show that the largest slopes organize into a network of lines or "steep cliffs" that exhibit universal statistics. This new approach to Top: h, height of the measured fracture surface. Bottom: ω transformation providing the field of local slopes computed at a scale ...