The amyloid state of polypeptides is a stable, highly organized structural form consisting of laterally associated β-sheet protofilaments that may be adopted as an alternative to the functional, native state. Identifying the balance of forces stabilizing amyloid is fundamental to understanding the wide accessibility of this state to peptides and proteins with unrelated primary sequences, various chain lengths, and widely differing native structures. Here, we use four-dimensional electron microscopy to demonstrate that the forces acting to stabilize amyloid at the atomic level are highly anisotropic, that an optimized interbackbone hydrogen-bonding network within β-sheets confers 20 times more rigidity on the structure than sequence-specific sidechain interactions between sheets, and that electrostatic attraction of protofilaments is only slightly stronger than these weak amphiphilic interactions. The potential biological relevance of the deposition of such a highly anisotropic biomaterial in vivo is discussed.T he intricate interplay of intermolecular forces stabilizing amyloid at the atomic level has yet to be fully elucidated (1). Amyloid fibrils are narrow (70-200 Å), elongated (1-3 μm), twisted (pitch ∼ 1,000 ± 500 Å) aggregates containing a universal "cross-β" core structure (2) composed of arrays of β-sheets running parallel to the long axis of the fibrils (3). Their hierarchical structure is stabilized by three main protein-protein interfaces: (i) stacking of hydrogen-bonded β-strands within a single β-sheet (intrasheet), (ii) cross-β-sheet packing into a multisheet protofilament (intersheet), and (iii) lateral association of protofilaments (interprotofilament) (4). Each of these packing interfaces gives rise to characteristic diffraction pattern reflections corresponding to the intrasheet (4.8 Å), intersheet (8-12 Å, depending on sidechain volume), and interprotofilament (determined by chain length) spacings (5).By applying a laser-induced, temperature (T-) jump to amyloid, we can infinitesimally expand the material, thereby probing the intermolecular forces acting across each of the packing interfaces (6). Static, global heating, particularly of amyloid-like microcrystals (7), disrupts molecular structure, precluding such delicate perturbations. To capture the rapid expansion and recovery of an amyloid specimen, a precisely timed, pulsed (probe) electron beam, following the laser (pump) pulse, is used to generate a series of time-resolved diffraction patterns. By accurately measuring the movement ðΔxÞ of the reflection (initially occurring at an equilibrium separation, x e ) upon initiation of the ultrafast temperature jump, we determine the relative expansion, or strain, e = Δx=x e . Atomistic simulations predict that the stretching elasticity of amyloid is linear for strains up to only e ∼ 0:1%, i.e., 10 −3 (8). The exquisite sensitivity and high spatiotemporal resolution of four-dimensional (4D) electron microscopy (9, 10) enables us to measure such minute deformations and directly probe, at the atom...