Non-linear finite element analyses have intrinsic model and user factors that influence the results of the analyses. However, non-linear finite element analysis can provide a tool to assess safety using realistic descriptions of material behaviour with actual material properties. A realistic estimation of the existing safety and capacity of slender column elements can be achieved by means of "true" material properties. Nevertheless, it seems that for some structural components, such as slender columns, non-linear finite element analyses can, due to its complexity and its various setting parameters, cause the risk of overestimating the real performance of analysed components or systems. Hence, an invited expert group has carried out an investigation into the experimental testing and the prediction of the bearing capacity of slender columns by performing independent non-linear finite element analyses in order to determine the practical applicability, and its inconsistencies, with respect to the stability failure of slender columns. This work aims the characterization of modelling uncertainties, concerning the prediction of slender columns stability when forecasted by non-linear finite element analysis.