Recently two-dimensional (2D) hard particles have enjoyed a renewed interest in the liquid-crystal community. Their reduced dimensionality leads to peculiar properties of their phase transitions (nonexistence of long-ranged order and defect-mediated phase transitions), but the possibility that these particles stabilise mesogenic (hence fluid) phases with high-order orientational symmetries ('exotic' nematic phases) has attracted much attention [7]. Schlacken et al.[8] used the Scaled-Particle Theory (SPT) version of DFT, based on two-particle correlations via the second virial coefficient, to analyse fluids of hard rectangles, and an intermediate tetratic phase, with four-fold symmetry, was predicted to stabilise for relatively low aspect ratios. This is in contrast to the standard uniaxial nematic phase with twofold symmetry in systems of rods with head-tail symmetry. Later, a more complete fluid phase diagram was obtained using the same theory [9], and the effect of three-body correlations was assessed [10] and seen to reinforce tetratic order. Other convex hard particles with polygonal shape have been examined using the same theoretical approach, and phases with triatic, or sixfold, symmetry, were predicted in fluids of particles with isosceles triangular shape close to the equilateral condition [11]. More recently, fluids of hard right-angled triangles (HRT) have been seen to present evidences of strong octatic, or eightfold, orientational correlations, which constitutes a challenge for the standard DFT theories [12].On the simulation side, orientational order in fluids made of anisotropic hard particles has been studied by many authors. Nematic phases have quasi-long-range order and are obtained from the isotropic through a continuous transition driven by a Kosterlitz-Thouless mechanism [13]. Focussing on hard or quasi-hard particles of convex polygonal shape, phases with tetratic phases were initially studied in squares [14] and then confirmed by several studies [15][16][17]. Hard rectangles have also been studied but with not so much emphasis on the tetratic phase [18,19]. Recently fluids of HRT particles have been seen to exhibit peculiar orientational properties [12,20], with strong indications of quasi-eightfold symmetry. Other particle shapes such as pentagons and hexagons have been analysed