To cite this article: M. Luckas & K. Lucas (1985) Perturbation theory for the viscosity of molecular liquids and liquid mixtures based on the zero order gaussian memory function approximation, Molecular Physics, 54:1, 225-243,The calculation of the self-diffusion coefficient and the shear viscosity of pure liquids and liquid mixtures using a zero order gaussian memory function is extended to non-spherical molecules by means of a perturbation expansion. The Lennard Jones (12-6) potential was taken for the reference system. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the qualitative effects of the anisotropic shape and the quadrupolar forces on the transport properties. It is shown that the effect of the repulsive site-site forces tends to cancel the influence of the quadrupolar forces. The shear viscosity of the systems Ar-O 2 and N 2 CH 4 is calculated and compared with experimental data. The net influence of anisotropic forces on these mixtures is found to be very small.