For a given minimum cost of the electricity dispatch, multiple equivalent dispatch solutions may exist. We explore the sensitivity of networks to these dispatch solutions and their impact on the vulnerability of the network to cascading failure blackouts. It is shown that, depending on the heterogeneity of the network structure, the blackout statistics can be sensitive to the dispatch solution chosen, with the clustering coefficient of the network being a key ingredient. We also investigate mechanisms or configurations that decrease discrepancies that can occur between the different dispatch solutions.
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Power and Energy | Systems and Communications
CommentsThis article is published as Reynolds-Barredo, Jose M., David E. Newman, Benjamin A. Carreras, and Ian Dobson. "The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures. The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures For a given minimum cost of the electricity dispatch, multiple equivalent dispatch solutions may exist. We explore the sensitivity of networks to these dispatch solutions and their impact on the vulnerability of the network to cascading failure blackouts. It is shown that, depending on the heterogeneity of the network structure, the blackout statistics can be sensitive to the dispatch solution chosen, with the clustering coefficient of the network being a key ingredient. We also investigate mechanisms or configurations that decrease discrepancies that can occur between the different dispatch solutions. The OPA (ORNL-PSerc-Alaska) model has been used to explore the power networks' robustness as characterized by the risk of large failures and temporal dynamics. In this model, the power demand is increased at a constant rate while the generation is periodically increased in response to the demand. In doing so, the system keeps the generation capacity margin above a given value. Each day power is dispatched, and generation is selected and optimized to exactly balance the load with minimum cost. This optimization problem is degenerate (there can be more than one optimal solution), so many different dispatch procedures are possible. As one might expect, even if the dispatch solutions are exactly equivalent from the optimization point of view (they reach the same optimal value), it is found that the long term statistics of the problem (power law tails, risk of failures, etc.) can be quite different. In this work, we try to understand how the structure of the network affects the sensitivity of the long term statistics to the dispatch solution chosen. We have found that linked networks are more sensitive to the dispatch chosen than homogeneous networks. In other words, in the case of linked networks, the simulation results can strongly differ when the dispatch is modified. Of particular note, the average clustering coefficient of the ...