Quantum nonlocality is a counterintuitive phenomenon that lies beyond the purview of causal influences. Recently, Bell inequalities have been generalized to the case of quantum inputs, leading to a powerful family of semi-quantum Bell inequalities that are capable of detecting any entangled state. Here, we focus on a different problem and investigate how the local-indistinguishability of quantum inputs and postselection may affect the requirements to detect semi-quantum nonlocality. To this end, we consider a semi-quantum nonlocal game based on locally-indistinguishable qubit inputs and derive its postselected local and quantum bounds by using a novel connection to the local-distinguishability of quantum states. Interestingly, we find that the postselected local bound is independent of the measurement efficiency and that the Bell violation increases with lower measurement efficiencies.It is known that in quantum physics, there exist experiments in which correlations from measurements on entangled systems are at odds with our causal world views. These correlations may be verified by using a family of statistical tests called Bell inequalities [1, 2], which are linear constraints on the set of correlations that are compatible with the principle of local causes [3]. In other words, if the correlations violate a Bell inequality, then the underlying physics must be nonlocal in nature. Remarkably, apart from their foundational significance, Bell inequalities have also found practical applications in quantum cryptography and quantum state estimation [4][5][6][7][8][9]. For these reasons, quantum nonlocality is one of the most widely studied topics in quantum information science.Recently, a new paradigm called semi-quantum nonlocality has emerged [10], where observers use quantum inputs-instead of classical inputs-to specify their desired measurement settings. Interestingly, by doing so, all entangled states are "nonlocal", in that for any entangled state there is always a semi-quantum Bell inequality with which violation is achieved. This feature suggests that certain semi-quantum Bell inequalities are strong entanglement witnesses and thus could provide an unprecedented level of confidence in detecting entanglement using untrusted measurement devices. For instance, see Ref.[11] for a generic procedure that converts entanglement witnesses into measurement-device-independent entanglement witnesses, and Ref. [12] for the corresponding proof-of-principle experiment. See also Refs. [13,14] for the connection to quantum steering [15].On a more general level, semi-quantum nonlocality admits the possibility of working with locallyindistinguishable quantum inputs, a notion that is central to local quantum state discrimination [16][17][18] and quantum data hiding [19,20]. For our purposes, we de- * limc@ornl.gov fine such quantum inputs as quantum states that are indistinguishable at the level of local operations and shared randomness (LOSR) [10], but distinguishable at the level of local quantum measurements assisted with shar...