This paper uses the Ohlson Model to analyze whether Net Income (NI), Other Comprehensive Income (OCI), and Comprehensive Income (CI) are value relevant for market value and the return of shares of publicy-traded Brazilian companies. To maximize the robustness of the results, we inserted the following control variables for each model: equity per Share (EqPS), Size (S), Industry (I), EBITDA per Share (EbPS), Revenue per Share (RePS), Liquidity (L), and Gross Domestic Product Growth (GDPG). The control variables S, RePS, and GDPG were significant for the three models related to the value of the company. The control variables EqPS, EbPS, RePS, and L, on the other hand, were only significant for the three models related to stock returns. Our main variables (NI, OCI, and CI) were found to be statistically significant in five of the six regression models after data analysis in a fixed effect panel using robust standard errors. However, only the variables NI and CI were considered to be relevant in the expected direction, meaning that they offered a positive contribution in explaining the value of the company.