Community-Based Total Sanitation (CBTS) is a widely applied program to encourage behavioral change to end open defecation in rural areas. Based on data from the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, the percentage of people with diarrhoea was 32,851 (45.47%) in 2019, and 21,246 sufferers (29.90%) in 2020. The CBTS national program created by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia aimed to improve basic sanitation. Every individual and community had access to basic sanitation facilities. A Semi-Permanent Healthy Latrine (SPHL) is a latrine that meets the five requirements of a healthy lavatory and is self-built using building materials owned by the community. This study discovered that semi-permanent latrine users have increased over the last three years. There were no semi-permanent latrine users in 2019, but this increased to 2,953 users in 2021 in Lapulu Village. Permanent latrine users have also increased from 2019 to 2020 by 16,705 users. Then, it decreased by 13,674 users in 2021.
Keywords: Facilities, CBTS, Latrines