Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh spektrum plasenta akreta terhadap volume perdarahan, infeksi daerah operasi, dan lama hari rawat. Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah analitik observasional dengan desain kohor retrospektif. Data diambil dengan meninjau rekam medis. Pengambilan sampel untuk kedua kelompok diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling melalui penetapan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Kelompok pertama subjek dengan spektrum plasenta akreta yang tercatat di dalam rekam medik dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 2016 – 2021, dan kelompok kedua subjek dengan non spektrum plasenta akreta diambil dengan perbandingan 1:2 terhadap kelompok pertama. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Fisher Exact dan Regresi Logistik Ganda dengan nilai p<0,05 dianggap bermakna secara statistik. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan (p<α) terhadap volume perdarahan (p=0,025), infeksi daerah operasi (p=0,025), dan lama hari rawat (p<0,001). Peluang spektrum plasenta akreta terhadap terjadinya volume perdarahan sebesar 3,58 kali, infeksi daerah operasi 4,03 kali, dan lama hari rawat 50,09 kali. Meskipun pengaruh spektrum plasenta akreta secara multivariat tidak dominan terhadap volume perdarahan dan infeksi daerah operasi namun berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap lama hari rawat. Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh spektrum plasenta akreta terhadap volume perdarahan, infeksi daerah operasi, dan lama hari rawat. The Effect of Placenta Accreta Spectrum on Maternal Outcomes at Hasan Sadikin Bandung General Hospital Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of placenta accreta spectrum on bleeding volume, surgical site infection, and length of stay. Methods: This was an observational analytic study with a retrospective cohort design. Data were taken by reviewing medical records with samples divided into two groups. Sampling for both groups was taken using a purposive sampling technique, the samples were selected by establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria. The first group of subjects with the placenta accreta spectrum recorded in the medical record in the period from 2016 – 2021, and the second group of subjects with non-spectrum placenta accreta was taken in a ratio of 1:2 to the first group. Data were analyzed using the Fisher Exact test and Multiple Logistic Regression with a value of p <0.05 which was considered statistically significant. Result: The results showed there was a significant effect (p<α) on bleeding volume (p=0.025), surgical site infection (p=0.025), and length of stay (p<0.001). The probability of placenta accreta spectrum for the occurrence of bleeding volume is 3.58 times, 4.03 times for surgical site infection, and 50.09 times for length of stay. Even though the placenta accreta spectrum multivariate test did not show a significant effect on bleeding volume and surgical site infection, but has a significant effect on length of stay. Conclusion: There was an effect of placenta accreta spectrum on bleeding volume, surgical site infection, and length of stay. Key words: bleeding, length of stay, maternal outcome, surgical site infection, placenta accreta spectrum.