PREFACEn 1993, radioactive waste-management practices of the former Soviet Union (FSU) came un-I, der increasing international scrutiny after Russian scientists disclosed dumped-nuclear-waste ites in the Kara and Barents seas that contravened the London Convention ban on radioactive waste disposal at sea. The U.S. response was to fund the Office of Naval Research Arctic Nuclear Waste Assessment Program (ANWAP) to (1) quantify the types, amounts, and rates of release of radionuclides from marine disposal sites and Russian riverine sources leading to Arctic waters; (2) evaluate the transport pathways and ultimate fate of the radionuclide contaminants; and (3) identify any long-term monitoring strategies as needed. ANWAP began funding basic physical, geochemical, and biological oceanographic research in the Arctic in 1993.By early 1995 the second year of ANWAP research was well under way and planning for the final ANWAP funding cycle emphasized the need to better coordinate and integrate the activities and results of the 85 research projects into a risk-assessment framework. The goal: to use data sets in a rigorous evaluation process to make dose estimates for potential human and ecological impacts, particularly in Alaska, from the nuclear wastes the FSU had dumped in the Arctic. A Risk Assessment Integration Group (RAIG) was formed to conduct the assessment. The RAIG recognized at the outset of this risk-assessment phase that the risk analysis would have to depend on available ANWAP data and other published data sets, and that ongoing research would continue to generate new data even after the data cutoff point for timely preparation of the risk assessment. The RAIG has established an evaluation framework that, through an ongoing iterative process, can be enhanced as new information becomes available.The risk assessment follows a traditional, internationally accepted radiological risk-assessment process. It uses models to make predictions, but also incorporates actual field measurements and laboratory data obtained from ANWAP scientists and the broader national and international scientific community. The risk-assessment team involved key scientists from Alaska (Douglas Dasher, Department of Environmental Conservation, and Todd O'Hara, North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management); Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (David Layton, Mark Mount, Florence Harrison, and John Knezovich); Sandia National Laboratories (Rip Anderson, Mel Marietta, Leo Gomez, and Palmer Vaughn); Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (William Templeton and Bruce Napier); and the Office of Naval Research (Marilyn Varela). This integrating team (the RAIG) identified discrete areas of focus and authorship for various components of the risk assessment; in the preparation of this report, the team relied upon the input of key ANWAP Principal Investigators, some of whose information was timely enough for use, and some not. Each section of the report identifies the authors. Although inputs from Russian contributors were instrumental in...