False allegations constitute a public problem since they result in a waste of time spent by the police and justice departments, and may cause public and individual harm. A prevalence study was conducted to obtain recent and valid figures of the prevalence of unfounded allegations of rape and unfounded allegations of other crimes. The most recent published prevalence figures on false allegations in the U. S. are from 1992. At the time cases were cleared by labeling cases as unfounded crimes. Since then guidelines to label a case as unfounded have become more strict. To test whether the new guidelines issued by the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) were followed we compared the current results with the prevalence rate of false and baseless allegations of rape before the guidelines were issued. Over a five-year period, from 2006 until 2010, the prevalence of false and baseless allegations of offences in the U. S. was studied. We found that the new guidelines were followed by law enforcement agencies. We performed a Kruskal Wallis Non Parametric Chi Square test of Goodness-of-fit on the proportions of false and baseless allegations to test whether the proportions were equal for all offence types. False and baseless allegations were not equally distributed across offence types X 2 (7, N=8000)=120.19, p<0.0001. The post hoc test revealed significant differences with the group average of 1.16% for false and baseless allegations of murder X 2 (1, N=1000)=39.94, p<0.0001, false and baseless allegations of rape X 2 (1, N=1000)=171.94, p<0.0001, and false and baseless allegations of robbery X 2 (1, N=1000)=187.78, p<0.0001. Approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless. That was at least five times higher than for most other offence types.Keywords: Crime; Allegations; True; False; Rape; FBI; Unfounded
The Prevalence of False AllegationsNot all allegations of crimes are truthful. Sometimes people who present themselves as victims make false claims of victimization. A false allegation is defined as an allegation of a crime filed by a complainant to the police while in reality no crime has occurred, the complainant is not a victim of the alleged crime.False allegations constitute a public problem since they result in a waste of time spent by the police and justice departments, and may cause public and individual harm. It seems imperative to know the prevalence of a problem in order to contain or solve the problem. In other words, the prevalence is a prerequisite to outline an effective policy to eliminate false allegations as much as possible.False allegations of rape, in contrast with other offence types, received a lot of attention from scholars. There is a heated debate about false allegations of rape with extreme claims at both ends. Brownmiller [1] claims that almost all allegations are true, and Kanin [2] that all allegations are false.Whereas Greer [3] claims Brownmiller's false rape figure is untrue since this figure was not based on...