It is argued that the success of DFT can be understood in terms of a semiclassical expansion around a very specific limit. This limit was identified long ago by Lieb and Simon for the total electronic energy of a system. This is a universal limit of all (non-relativistic) electronic structure: atoms, molecules, and solids. In the simple case of neutral atoms, this limit corresponds to an expansion of the total energy in powers of Z −1/3 . For the total energy, Thomas-Fermi theory becomes relatively exact in the limit. The limit can also be studied for much simpler model systems, including non-interacting fermions in a onedimensional well, where the WKB approximation applies for individual eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Summation techniques lead to energies and densities that are functionals of the potential. We consider several examples in one dimension (fermions in a box, in a harmonic well, in a linear half-well, and in the Pöschl-Teller well. The effects of higher dimension are also illustrated with the three-dimensional harmonic well and the Bohr atom, non-interacting fermions in a Coulomb well. Modern density functional calculations use the Kohn-Sham scheme almost exclusively. The same semiclassical limit can be studied for the Kohn-Sham kinetic energy, for the exchange energy, and for the correlation energy. For all three, the local density approximation appears to become relatively exact in this limit. Recent work, both analytic and numerical, explores how this limit is approached, in an effort to deduce the leading corrections to the local approximation. A simple scheme, using the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, is the result of many different attempts at this problem. In very simple cases, the correction formulas are much more accurate than standard density functionals. Several functionals are already in widespread use in both chemistry and materials that incorporate these limits, and prospects for the future are discussed.