24The current COVID-19 epidemic imposed an unpreceded challenge to the scientific community in 25 terms of treatment, epidemiology, diagnosis, social interaction, fiscal policies and many other 26 areas. The development of accurate and reliable diagnostic tools (high specificity and sensitivity) 27 is crucial in the current period, the near future and in the long term. These assays should provide 28 guidance to identify immune presumptive protected persons, potential plasma, and/or B cell 29 donors and vaccine development among others. Also, such assays will be contributory in 30 supporting prospective and retrospective studies to identify the prevalence and incidence of 31 COVID-19 and to characterize the dynamics of the immune response. As of today, only thirteen 32 serological assays have received the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Federal
33Drug Administration (FDA). In this work we describe the development and validation of a 34 quantitative IgG enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) using the recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Spike
35Protein S1 domain, containing the receptor-binding domain (RBD), showing 98% sensitivity and 36 98.9% specificity. The assay showed to be useful to test for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in 37 plasma samples from COVID-19-recovered subjects as potential donors for plasmapheresis. This 38 assay is currently under review by the Federal Drug Administration for an Emergency Use 39 Authorization request (Submission Number EUA201115).40 41 42 48 after the virus was detected for first time in Wuhan region, 28 companies obtained Emergency 49 Use Authorization (EUA) approvals from US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for their 50 commercial Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) diagnostics. Those
51assays are intended to detect the virus during the acute phase of the infection, providing no 52 information regarding the immunological status of these patients. By the same time, from the 53 more than 25 rapid serological tests available only one had the EUA granted. These rapid tests 54 are relatively simple to perform and interpret and therefore require limited test operator training.
55The main drawback of these rapid tests is that the specificity and particularly the sensitivity are 56 lower than the standard Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA). As of June 1, 2020 FDA 57 had received more than 198 notifications from manufacturers confirming they have validated and 58 intend to distribute their tests in the market. However only 13 of those tests have indeed the EUA 59 from FDA. Moreover, in May 2020, FDA removed 28 SARS-CoV-2 serological tests from the 60 notification list of tests offered during the COVID-10 emergency for not having an EUA request.
61Choosing an appropriate test to screen for the presence of humoral immune response to SARS-
62CoV-2 is critical. Such serologic tests are expected to play a key role in the fight against COVID-63 19 by helping to identify individuals who had developed an adaptive immune response and may 64 be at lower risk of infection....