© 2015, © 2015 Westburn Publishers Ltd. Abstract: Most marketing researchers with an interest in the mythic machinations of celebrity culture assume that being implicated in a scandal is detrimental to long-term brand-building efforts. However, our premise is that this assumption is often misguided. We argue that celebrities who court scandal sometimes find that the media coverage it precipitates – especially when the spun narrative is compelling – can significantly increase their brand value. To support our assertion, we begin by reviewing the literature on celebrity scandal. Following this, we illustrate how the creation of a scandalous narrative can fuel a celebrity career. To do so, we investigate the colourful career of the comedian-cum-revolutionary, Russell Brand. We conclude that, when combined, the 3Cs of his scandalous narrative – crafting, capering and commodifying – present, in combination, a viable means of gaining entry into the upper echelons of celebritydom