The Olympic Games is undoubtedly the world’s greatest sporting competition and visual exhibition and is, perhaps, the most important international event with considerable social, cultural, and economic implications.
The mascot, torch, and medals serve as highly effective tools for expressing the visual design concept associated with these items. Through careful observation of the ideas showcased in each Olympic Games, one can discern the host country's sport spirit and cultural characteristics.
The Olympic mascots serve as representatives of the host city for a period of three years leading up to and during the Games. In this significant role, mascots are considered icons, representing and symbolizing something beyond themselves. Therefore, the mascots themselves become icons of the city that is hosting the Games.
The aim of the of the research was to reveal the significance of the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games for the nations from the point of view of perception and their connection with the Olympic ideas and values.
Studying the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games, we can note that they are mostly presented in the form of animals. It is noteworthy that the mascots express some element of national culture, or, in other words, express the culture of the city or country representing the Games. Here it is necessary to emphasize that mascots are an excellent way to present the culture and history of a country or city to the whole world thanks to the Games.
The mascots of the Youth Olympic Games express the fundamental values of Olympism, carry the colors of the Olympic flag, are a source of inspiration and striving for excellence among young people, and are a call to all mankind to make the world better, cleaner and peaceful.