AMIRIS is an agent-based model (ABM) to simulate electricity markets. The focus of this bottom-up model is on the business-oriented decisions of actors in the energy system. These actors are represented as prototypical agents in the model, each with own complex decisionmaking strategies. Inter alia, the bidding decisions are based on the assessment of electricity market prices and generation forecasts (Nitsch, Deissenroth-Uhrig, et al., 2021), and diverse actors deciding on different time scales may be modelled. In particular, the agents' behavior does not only reflect marginal prices, but can also consider effects of support instruments like market premia, uncertainties and limited information, or market power (Frey et al., 2020). This allows assessing which policy or market design is best suited to an economic and effective energy system (Torralba-Díaz et al., 2020). The simulations generate results on the dispatch of power plants and flexibility options, technology-specific market values, development of system costs or CO2 emissions. One important output of the model are simulated market prices (Deissenroth et al., 2017).