This study aimed to determine the current situation regarding cyberbullying and parental supervision and the relationship between positive parental involvement and various variables. Data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results revealed a relationship between parental supervision in cyberbullying prevention (PSCP) and digital parenting awareness, active mediation, content-specific restrictive interventions, and supervision. In elementary schools, co-use and content-specific restrictions are statistically significant predictors of parental supervision. In contrast, active mediation and parental role were statistically significant predictors for middle- and high-school students. Moreover, the effect of digital parenting awareness on supervision was statistically significant for both groups. For parents under 45 years of age, content-focused restrictions and digital parenting awareness were effective, whereas no effect was observed in those aged 45 years or above. Active mediation was effective in both age groups.