The calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) adjusts the extracellular calcium set point regulating PTH secretion and renal calcium excretion. The receptor is expressed in several tissues and is also involved in other cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation and other hormonal secretion. High extracellular calcium levels activate the receptor resulting in modulation of several signaling pathways depending on the target tissues. Mutations in the CASR gene can result in gain or loss of receptor function. Gain of function mutations are associated to Autossomal dominant hypocalcemia and Bartter syndrome type V, while loss of function mutations are associated to Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism. More than one hundred mutations were described in this gene. In addition to calcium, the receptor also interacts with several ions and polyamines. The CASR is a potential therapeutic target to treatment of diseases including hyperparathyroidism and osteoporosis, since its interaction with pharmacological compounds results in modulation of PTH secretion.
RESUMO O Receptor Sensor de Cálcio e Doenças Associadas.O receptor sensor de cálcio (CASR) ajusta o set point do cálcio extracelular através da regulação da secreção de PTH e da excreção renal de cál-cio. O receptor é expresso em diversos tecidos e também está envolvido em outras funções celulares como proliferação, diferenciação e secreção de outros hormônios. Concentrações altas de cálcio extracelular ativam o receptor resultando em modulação de inúmeras vias de sinais intracelulares dependendo do tecido-alvo. Mutações no gene do CASR podem resultar em ganho ou perda de função do receptor. Mutações com ganho de função são associadas à Hipocalcemia autossômica dominante e à Síndrome de Bartter tipo V, enquanto que mutações com perda de função são associadas à Hipercalcemia hipocalciúrica familiar e ao Hiperparatireoidismo neonatal grave. Mais de cem mutações foram descritas neste gene. Além do cálcio, o receptor também interage com inúmeros íons e poliaminas. CASR é um alvo terapêutico potencial para tratamento de doenças incluindo hiperparatireoidismo e osteoporose, pois a sua interação com compostos farmacológicos resulta em modulação da secreção de PTH. [Ca 2+ o ] sensing mechanism that results in changes in phosphoinositide turnover and cytosolic calcium to regulate PTH secretion (1). Extracellular calcium regulates itself by serving as a first messenger and interacting with its receptor, the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) on target tissues. The receptor was cloned in 1993 from bovine parathyroid (BoPCAR1) by expression cloning in Xenopus laevis oocytes and is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor super family (2). High calcium levels activate the CASR in the parathyroid cell surface to inhibit PTH secretion, and in the kidney to increase calcium excretion (3).
STRUCTURE OF THE CALCIUM-SENSING RECEPTORThe human CASR gene is located on chromosome 3q13.3-21 (4,5) and spans over 50 kb of genomic DNA. It has...