Background:The study of the association between superior semicircular canal and other dehiscences in the temporal bone.
Materials and methods:We have studied computed tomography of radiologically diagnosed people with superior or posterior semicircular canal dehiscences, in four health centres. In addition, we have studied one isolated human temporal bone, one skull and one cadaver head belonging to the collection of the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology of the University of Zaragoza that had dehiscence in the superior semicircular canal. 2
Results:The most frequent association that we observed was between superior semicircular canal dehiscence and tegmen tympani dehiscence (37.33%). Three cases (two clinical cases and one isolated temporal bone) showed multiple associated dehiscences (tegmen tympani, mastoid antrum, posterior semicircular canal, internal auditory canal, glenoid cavity, tympanum bone and geniculate ganglion) associated with superior semicircular canal dehiscence Conclusions: When the superior semicircular canal dehiscence is associated to other in the petrous bone (tegmen tympani, mastoid antrum, posterior semicircular canal, internal auditory canal…) could be grouped into the same syndrome called "otic capsule syndrome", since they have the same origin and common etiology (otic capsule).