We study the characteristic polynomial pn(x) = n j=1 (|zj| − x) where the zj are drawn from the Mittag-Leffler ensemble, i.e. a two-dimensional determinantal point process which generalizes the Ginibre point process. We obtain precise large n asymptotics for the moment generating function E[e u π Im ln pn(r) e a Re ln pn (r) ], in the case where r is in the bulk, u ∈ R and a ∈ N. This expectation involves an n × n determinant whose weight is supported on the whole complex plane, is rotation-invariant, and has both jump-and root-type singularities along the circle centered at 0 of radius r. This "circular" root-type singularity differs from earlier works on Fisher-Hartwig singularities, and surprisingly yields a new kind of ingredient in the asymptotics, the so-called associated Hermite polynomials.