The success of Wali Songo in building a harmonious social order during a diverse society is written in the manuscript of the book "Tarikh Perjuangan Islam Indonesia" by K.H.R As'ad Syamsul Arifin. This study aims to explore the values of Wali Songo's da'wah bil-irshad in building social order harmony in the manuscript of the book "Tarikh Perjuangan Islam Indonesia" by K.H.R. As'ad Syamsul Arifin from a counseling perspective. The research method uses a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that the personality profile of Wali Songo has the integrity of shalih (which comes from psychospiritual sufism) and has the competence of shalahiyyah (scientific quality as fuqaha and siyasi skills). Techniques are applied by exemplary (social model), friendship to build social relationships, form organizations, provide a forum for activities to gather together, and train several cadres through Islamic boarding schools. With these characters and techniques, Wali Songo was able to form the khaira ummah's personality and form a harmonious social order between the ulama, umara and the ummat on an ongoing basis. This research is a subject development of "Da'wah Science", "Islamic Guidance and Counseling", "Multicultural Counseling", and "Islamic Psychology", which were extracted from the books of Islamic boarding school ulama.