“…A possible explanation for this puzzling finding is that FFs can be simultaneously responsible and irresponsible (Cruz, Larraza-Kintana, Garcés-Galdeano, & Berrone, 2014), scoring extremely high on some social dimensions -i.e., employee-related (Kang & Kim, 2020) or diversity-related (Block & Wagner, 2014) -and extremely low on others (environmental dimension). According to the seminal work of Miller and Le Breton-Miller (2020), FFs tend to "gravitate toward the extreme tails of a variety of outcome distributions" depending on their temporally and socially extended vs. restricted business priorities. In other words, studies focusing solely on the average family involvement effect on EP, subsequently used in this metaanalytical work, allows us to provide important insights about the average environmental behavior of FFs, albeit without capturing possible deviations.…”