Obesity among basic school childrenObesity in children carries several consecuences in the short and long term time intervals, particularly metabolic and psychological dificullies. This study describes prevalence of obesity among school children of both sexes from two different schools at metropolitan Santiago, Chile [uptown school A and downtown school B] by sex, age and socioeconomical condition. Sex, weight, neight and age were recorded from 1 219 children from school A and from 1 030 students of school B. Age ranged from 5.5 to 15.5 years, 52.6% subjects were male. Nutrition was evaluated by NCHS weigth/age and height/age standards and calculations for weight/height index were done following Duront. Obesity was defined as a weight/height index £ 1 20. Socioeconomical level (Graffar] was significantly better among students from school A [p < 0.001) where a higher prevalence of obesity was recorded (1 2.3% vs 9.03%, p < 0.05) than in school B. The highest weight excess was find among female students from school A aged 5.5 to 8.5 year. Among males, there was a blgef proportion of obese children in school A students at ages 9 to 1 2 years (p < 0.05). There was a slight trend toward reduction of obesity rates with increased age but this was not statistically significant.
(Key words: obesity, school children.)La obesidad se define como un aumento generalizado de la grasa corporal en relaci<5n a la masa magra 1 . Esta dene serias implicancias psicolo'gicas y fisioltfgicas. Los aspectos psicolo"gicos tienen importancia inmediata en el niflo y adolescence 2 , pero a mediano y largo plazo se asocian tambi6n trastornos metab<51icos como la hiperlipidemia e intolerancia a la glucosa 3 -4 , hipertensio'n sist61ica, adem£s de aumentarper se el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares 2 -5 . La obesidad que comienza en la niflez es mas severa y tiene asociaciones patolo'gicas ma's frecuentes que la que comienza en el adulto 6 -7 . La obesidad en la niflez, especialmente cuando es severa, esta" fuertemente asociada con la del adulto 6 -8 -9 . Segun algunos estudios, m£s del 70% de los nifios obesos entre los diez y trece afios seguian sie"ndolo en la cuarta d6cada de la vida 3 -5 . Esta relacidn es ma's de"bil cuando la obesidad se presenta a menor edad, ya que el porcentaje de lactantes