This paper first takes the method of literature review, generalizes the consensus of values’ definitions: concept or belief of action; a kind of attitudes, tendencies, or beliefs; cognitive representations of human requirement; comprehensive definitions. It also briefly generalizes the mainstream views of values’ structures. Then, it argues that work values can be defined from three perspectives, the 1st of which is the perspective of tendency or orientation of beliefs or attitudes as following: tendency of career choice and commitment of learning and work, beliefs about the desirability of various work features, constellations of attitudes and opinions, anticipation about results of occupational work, and representing motivational aspects; the 2nd of which is the perspective of estimation as: assessment of the importance of a goal or behavior, the importance individuals give to the outcomes arising in the work context, standards of evaluation, and information system of estimation; and the 3rd of which, the perspective of synthesis as relatively overall generalization of work values. At last, it briefly generalizes the structures of work values from different dimensions.