A. The Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of a rational polytope P is a fundamental invariant counting lattice points in integer dilates of P. The quasi-period of this quasi-polynomial divides the denominator of P but is not always equal to it: this is called quasi-period collapse. Polytopes experiencing quasi-period collapse appear widely across algebra and geometry, and yet the phenomenon remains largely mysterious. By using techniques from algebraic geometry -Q-Gorenstein deformations of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces -we explain quasi-period collapse for rational polygons dual to Fano polygons and describe explicitly the discrepancy between the quasi-period and the denominator.
ILet P ⊂ Z d ⊗ Z Q be a convex lattice polytope of dimension d. Let L P (k) : kP ∩ Z d count the number of lattice points in dilations kP of P, k ∈ Z ≥0 . Ehrhart [9] showed that L P can be written as a degree dwhich we call the Ehrhart polynomial of P. The leading coefficient c d is given by Vol(P)/d!, c d−1 is equal to Vol(∂P)/2(d − 1)!, and c 0 1. Here Vol( • ) denotes the normalised volume, and ∂P denotes the boundary of P. For example, if P is two-dimensional (that is, P is a lattice polygon) we obtainSetting k 1 in this expression recovers Pick's Theorem [16]. The values of the Ehrhart polynomial of P form a generating function Ehr P (t) : k ≥0 L P (k)t k called the Ehrhart series of P. When the vertices of P are rational points the situation is more interesting. Recall that a quasi-polynomial with period s ∈ Z >0 is a function q : Z → Q defined by polynomials q 0 , q 1 , . . . , q s−1 such that q(k) q i (k) when k ≡ i (mod s).The degree of q is the largest degree of the q i . The minimum period of q is called the quasi-period, and necessarily divides any other period s. Ehrhart showed that L P is given by a quasi-polynomial of degree d, which we call the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of P. Let π P denote the quasi-period of P. The smallest positive integer r P ∈ Z >0 such that r P P is a lattice polytope is called the denominator of P. It is certainly the case that L P is r P -periodic, however it is perhaps surprising that the quasi-period of L P does not always equal r P ; this phenomenon is called quasi-period collapse.Example 1.1 (Quasi-period collapse). Consider the triangle P : conv{(5, −1), (−1, −1), (−1, 1/2)} with denominator r P 2. This has L P (k) 9/2k 2 + 9/2k + 1, hence π P 1.Quasi-period collapse is poorly understood, although it occurs in many contexts. For example, de 8] consider polytopes arising naturally in the study of Lie algebras (the Gel'fand-Tsetlin polytopes and the polytopes determined by the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) that exhibit quasiperiod collapse. In dimension two show that there exist rational polygons with r P arbitrarily large but with π P 1 (see also Example 3.8). give a constructive view of this phenomena in terms of GL d (Z)-scissor congruence; here a polytope is partitioned into pieces that are individually modified via GL d (Z) transformation and lattice translation, then reassembled to give a new polyt...