We study the transmission through different small systems as a function of the coupling strength v to the two attached leads. The leads are identical with only one propagating mode C E in each of them. In addition to the conductance G, we calculate the phase rigidity of the scattering wave function ⌿ C E in the interior of the system. Most interesting results are obtained in the regime of strongly overlapping resonance states where the crossover from staying to traveling modes takes place. The crossover is characterized by collective effects.Here, the conductance is plateaulike enhanced in some energy regions of finite length while corridors with zero transmission ͑total reflection͒ appear in other energy regions. This transmission picture depends only weakly on the spectrum of the closed system. It is caused by the alignment of some resonance states of the system with the propagating modes C E in the leads. The alignment of resonance states takes place stepwise by resonance trapping, i.e., it is accompanied by the decoupling of other resonance states from the continuum of propagating modes. This process is quantitatively described by the phase rigidity of the scattering wave function. Averaged over energy in the considered energy window, ͗G͘ is correlated with 1 − ͗͘. In the regime of strong coupling, only two short-lived resonance states survive each aligned with one of the channel wave functions C E . They may be identified with traveling modes through the system. The remaining M − 2 trapped narrow resonance states are well separated from one another.