We have employed time-dependent local-spin-density theory to analyze the far-infrared transmission spectrum of InAs self-assembled nanoscopic rings recently reported ͓A. Lorke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. ͑to be published͔͒. The overall agreement between theory and experiment is fairly good, which on the one hand confirms that the experimental peaks indeed reflect the ringlike structure of the sample, and on the other hand, asseses the suitability of the theoretical method to describe such nanostructures. The addition energies of oneand two-electron rings are also reported and compared with the corresponding capacitance spectra.
Recent progress in nanofabrication techniques1,2 has allowed us to construct self-assembled nanoscopic InGaAs quantum rings occupied with one or two electrons each, and submitted to perpendicular magnetic fields ͑B͒ of up to 12 T. These are spectroscopic data available on rings in the scatterfree, few electrons limit in which quantum effects are best manifested. Previous spectroscopic studies dealt with microscopic rings 3 in GaAs-Ga x Al 1Ϫx As heterostructures, fairly well reproduced by classical or hydrodynamical models. 4,5 In spite of the lacking of experimental information, the study of nanoscopic ring structures has already attracted a strong theoretical interest. [6][7][8][9][10][11] We recall that due to the nonapplicability of the generalized Kohn theorem, a very rich spectroscopic structure is expected to appear in few electrons nanorings, as anticipated by Halonen, Pietiläinen, and Chakraborty 9 and also found in recent works.
12,13In this paper we attempt a quantitative description of some spectroscopic and ground-state (gs) properties of the experimentally studied nanoscopic rings 1,2 using currentdensity ͑CDFT͒ and time-dependent local-spin-density ͑TDLSDFT͒ functional theories. The reason for such an attempt is twofold: on the one hand, to contribute to put on a firm basis the interpretation of current experiments as manifestation of actual properties of few-electrons ring-shaped nanostructures; on the other hand, although in principle exact results could be obtained for one and two electron rings using, e.g., exact-diagonalization methods, 8,9 the present one can also be applied to many electron systems, 12 and we think it is worthwhile to explore the capabilities and limitations of density-functional methods to describe such small rings.Following Ref. 6, we have modeled the ring confining potential by a parabola,with 2 R 0 ϭ 14 nm and the frequency 0 fixed to reproduce the high-energy peak found in the far-infrared ͑FIR͒ transmission spectrum at Bϭ0. For Nϭ2 electrons this yields 0 ϳ12.3 meV. The electron effective mass m*ϭ0.063 ͑we write mϭm*m e with m e being the physical electron mass͒ and effective gyromagnetic factor g*ϭϪ0.43 have been taken from the experiments, [14][15][16] and the value of the dielectric constant has been taken to be ⑀ϭ12.4.To obtain the structure of the GS we have resorted to CDFT as described in Refs. 17 and 18, and to obtain the FIR absorption we...