In the last years, the optical, electrical, structural, and electrochemical properties of several conducting polymers anodically synthesized from monomers with three heteroaromatic rings derived of pyrrole, thiophene, and furane have been studied. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Thin films of such materials can be usually electrogenerated from acetonitrile containing LiClO 4 as background electrolyte by cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), and chronopotentiometry (CP). In the course of anodic electropolymerization, the polymer backbone is also oxidized to yield radical cation sites (polarons), which are compensated with anions coming from the electrolyte. Electron-spin resonance and spectral studies 7-12 have shown that polarons act as the main charge carriers conferring electrical conductivity of a semiconductor to these materials. The redox control of oxidized films produced at low anodic potentials, close to the beginning of electropolymerization, reveals that most polarons are electroactive and can be reversibly reduced with loss of counterions. 9-13 The resulting reduced films then show so low a conductivity that they behave as electronic insulators. However, less is known about the properties of such polymers electrosynthesized at high anodic potentials. Several papers related to other polyheteroaromatics [16][17][18][19][20] show the existence of irreversible electro-organic reactions in the solid state when the applied potential becomes sufficiently positive. Such irreversible modifications of the polymer upon oxidation have been termed overoxidation and lead to degradation of their electrical and electrochemical properties. In the case of overoxidized forms of polypyrroles [16][17][18][19] and polythiophenes, 20 modification of backbone by carbonyls and sulfones, respectively, has been reported. Any attempt to utilize new polyheteroaromatics as materials for technological applications, e.g., batteries, must take their possible overoxidation effects into consideration. So, it is important to characterize the potential limits for the reversible cycling associated with the doping/ undoping process of these materials and to assess the changes in the electrical and electrochemical behavior of their overoxidized states.A powerful electrochemical technique that allows one to obtain many of the physical parameters of thin films of conducting polymers, such as their resistance and charge-storage capacity, is faradaic impedance. This method offers advantages over other transient techniques mainly due to coverage of a wide range of frequencies with a low amplitude perturbation of the electrochemical system from its steady state. The frequency response can be interpreted either formally, with a detailed physical model based upon a plausible theory, 21 or through an empirical equivalent circuit with faradaic processes, space charges, and electronic and ionic conduction processes represented by ideal components involving resistors and capacitors. 22 The last procedure has been applied ...