A four-year period of publications relevant to the title is included in this review. Because of the two-fold increase in articles to be collected and a four-fold decrease in preparation time, compared to the usual situation with a biannual review, I have taken a few short cuts. First, nearly all articles cited were selected from the Electrochemistry Section of Chemical Abstracts, Vols. 68-75 (1968-71). This limited the most recent publications to about November 1971 and also allowed a minor amount of overlap with the last review under this title (322). A second expedient was the frequent use of the information in the author's abstract and/or the Chemical Abstracts entry for my comments. A direct consequence of indulging in the practice, perhaps the basest of a reviewer's transgressions, is that at least one person will be irate for each article included. This confession is not to justify my modus operandi, but to illustrate that well written abstracts and summaries are very important. Electroanalytical Abstracts, which are not conveniently accessible to me, are