Five demonstrations each were conducted during 2018-19 for two different seasons (i.e. rainy and autumn) in different villages of Mohali district of Punjab to disseminate the production technology of high yielding (672.5q/ha) Brinjal hybrid PBHR-41 and to evaluate the better growing season. Diagnostic field visits, regular surveys, farmer-scientist interactions and training programmes ensured proper seed rate, spacing, application of balanced and optimum doses of nutrients, proper weed management and timely plant protection measures. These activities ensured higher yield over local practice of cultivation in the range of 34.44-37.50 per cent. An average net profit of Rs 6,00,000/-was recorded under recommended practice while it was Rs. 3,75,000/-under farmer's practice during rainy season whereas average net profit of Rs. 7,07,500/-was recorded under recommended practice while it was Rs. 4,75,000/-under farmers' practice during autumn season. Benefit/ cost ratio ranged from 3.66 to 4.53 under demonstration in rainy and autumn season respectively while it ranged from 2.66 to 3.37 under control plots during rainy and autumn season respectively. With adoption of frontline demonstration (FLD) of proven scientific technology it is clearly interpreted that yield potential of hybrid and net returns from cultivation of brinjal could be enhanced to desired extent which in turn gives higher income to the brinjal growers.