Introduction: Fascioliasis is a disease of the hepatobiliary system, caused by Fasciola spp that are increasing and threating of
public health in the tropic areas, including of Central coastal of Vietnam. World Health Organisation estimates that at least 2.4
million people are infected in more than 70 countries worldwide, with several million at risk, and particularly, no continent is
free from fascioliasis. This study carried out to evaluate several typical clinical and paracinical aspects in the pregnant women
and children groups with fascioliasis.
Methods: With the descriptive cross-sectional study design, and sample size in line with hospital based data.
Results: the data post-analysis showed that total of 94 pregnant women and 212 child with gigantica fascioliasis were
enrolled:- In the pregnant women group: the major clinical symptoms of epigastric and Chauffard Rivet triangle pain (95.74%),
subshoulder muscle pain (97.87%), gastrointestinal disturbances as abdominal pain plus constipation (14.89%), loosed stool
(22.34%), nausea and/or vomit (29.78%), mild fever (68%), allergic reaction with pruritis and urticaria (64.89%), mild
anemia (4.26%), rare symptoms may be hepatomegaly (6.38%), chest pain, dyspnoea (43.62%), jaundice (2.13%); Laboratory
parameters were positive ELISA test with Fasciola gigantica antigen (95.74%), hepatobiliary lesions by ultrasound (97.87%),
majority in right liver (90.32%), eosinophilia is the predominant indicator (90.42%), In the children group: the clinical
manifestations included of epigastric and Chauffard-Rivet area pain (94.34%), flatuence, nausea and intermittent vomiting
(76.41%), digestive disoders (40.57%), allergy (30.66%), fatigue plus weight loss (12.74%); laboratory findings included of
hepatobiliary lesions by US (100%), positive ELISA with Fasciola gigantica antigen (96.70%), eosinophil of 93.39% and
1.90% positive copro-examination with Fasciolae eggs.
Conclusions: In pregnant women, symptoms are indistinguishable from hepatobiliary, digestive tract diseases or overlap
with gestation terrains, and clinical signs of paediatric fascioliasis may mimic a wide spectrum of hepatobiliary disorders
laboratory parameters and imaging diagnostics, especially in FasELISA, hypereosinophilia and liver lesions by ultrasound
were very useful in positive diagnosis.