The issues of sustainable development began to attract researchers in the second half ofthe twentieth century. Since then, interest in this topic has only increased. The 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development introduced by the United Nations in 2015confirmed that sustainable changes require efforts from people, consumers andcompanies, politicians, economists, and researchers. In particular, special attention is paidto sustainable consumer behaviour. The level of consumption consciousness directlyaffects the entire chain, from the production of goods to their disposal. In this regard, inrecent years, a large number of studies have been conducted on the topic of sustainableconsumer behaviour. However, in 2019 the coronavirus pandemic changed the world.The majority of global population was forced to stay at home because of lockdowns,which is why digitalization received a great impetus for development. By influencingdaily activities, it has also significantly changed our consumer habits. Thus, in this thesis,the coronavirus pandemic’s effect on sustainable consumer behaviour is being studied. Inparticular, attention is paid to cultural differences.