In the knowledge era, new forms of organizing and managing firms emerge to adapt to new situations. One such new form of organizational management is ambidextrous leadership. Ambidextrous leadership combines opening leader behaviors, such as promoting creativity, and closing leader behaviors, such as accomplishing objectives and adhering to norms. Thus, the aim is to demonstrate that a social orientation is not at odds with measures of operational performance other than profitability. The purpose of this study is to examine how ambidextrous leadership is linked to social entrepreneurial orientation and how this in turn affects operational performance. This is done through a rigorous review of the literature.Sustainability 2019, 11, 890 2 of 15 proactiveness and innovativeness [15] to obtain a competitive advantage. The effects of the contingent factors of proactiveness and risk-taking orientation have been studied to learn how companies can innovate. This stream of research has yielded positive results [16]. Innovativeness is a central element in entrepreneurial orientation, as is proactiveness and risk-taking.However, social entrepreneurship requires another factor, which reflects the specific characteristics of such companies. This factor is social entrepreneurial orientation. The essence of social entrepreneurship is social entrepreneurial orientation [17]. Social entrepreneurial orientation refers to the combination of entrepreneurial orientation and reciprocity [18]. Reciprocity entails taking what society has received and returning it in the form of sustainable practices that benefit society as a whole. Innovation is a common element to the concepts of entrepreneurial orientation, social entrepreneurial orientation, and operational performance. Therefore, a managerial orientation conducive to fostering innovation is necessary.The leadership style that best promotes exploration and exploitation and, consequently, innovation is ambidextrous leadership [19]. Ambidextrous leaders employ opening leader behaviors to encourage employees to proactively seek novel ideas and solutions and then shift to closing leader behaviors to encourage workers to implement these ideas and solutions. Therefore, ambidextrous leadership has the capacity to promote proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking by employees [20].The interaction between opening and closing behaviors predicts innovative performance in employees. Therefore, greater interaction between the two behaviors means higher levels of innovativeness [21,22]. Ambidextrous leadership influences employees' innovative performance [23] and creativity [24].The purpose of this study is to offer insight into the concept of ambidextrous leadership and then measure how ambidextrous leadership is linked to social entrepreneurial orientation. The main objective is therefore to measure how social entrepreneurial orientation affects firms' operational performance. A literature review of studies in the Web of Science-Social Sciences Citation Index (WoS-SSCI) database is present...