It is a personal resilience that plays a key role in a person's ability to successfully cope with stressful situations. There are many scientific studies and publications about the concept of "hardiness". The founder of this term is Suzanne C. Kobasa(Maddi and Kobasa, 2019). American psychologist Salvatore Maddi (Salvatore R. Maddi) went on with the study of this concept. He argues in his creations that resilience and strategies have its’ contribution to a resilience under stress. Muddy also interprets the resilience as a generalized way of functioning, including cognitive, emotional, and behavioral qualities. This style of functioning affects way a person perceives himself and interacts with the world around him (Maddi, 2014). In this context, we will consider fashion presentation and space design as factors influencing the stressful circumstances’ transformation into opportunities for personal and interpersonal growth while being in the destructive conditions of crisis situation.