“…(16) for each allFC in vAllFC do (17) for each π in allFC do (18) if allFC.index == (MDab β 1) then (19) isBreak = true; break; (20) endif (21) if π β
π₯ == π π β
π₯ and π β
π¦ == π π β
π¦ then (22) Dab = allFC.index + 1; isBreak = true; (23) break; (24) endif (25) if allFC.index == (MDab β 2) then break; endif (26) FindVirtualFallingCheckers(0, CS, π β
π₯, π β
π¦, true, vAllFC, allFC.index + 1); ( 27) endfor (28) if isBreak == true then break; endif (29) endfor (30) return Dab; (31) //Search the virtual falling checkers of specified checkers. (32) Function FindVirtualFallingCheckers(π, CS, π₯, π¦, isFirstStep, vAllFC, index) (33) begin (34) for π = 3 to β3 do (35) if π == βπ then continue; endif (36) if π == 0 then continue; endif (37) Search the next jumping falling checker (π₯…”