The solution of nonlinear inverse problems is a challenging task in numerical analysis. In most cases, this kind of problems is solved by iterative procedures that, at each iteration, linearize the problem in a neighborhood of the currently available approximation of the solution. The linearized problem is then solved by a direct or iterative method. Among this class of solution methods, the Gauss–Newton method is one of the most popular ones. We propose an efficient implementation of this method for large-scale problems. Our implementation is based on projecting the nonlinear problem into a sequence of nested subspaces, referred to as Generalized Krylov Subspaces, whose dimension increases with the number of iterations, except for when restarts are carried out. When the computation of the Jacobian matrix is expensive, we combine our iterative method with secant (Broyden) updates to further reduce the computational cost. We show convergence of the proposed solution methods and provide a few numerical examples that illustrate their performance.