A critical assessment of the Photocurrent Spectroscopy (PCS) Technique for the semi-quantitative characterization of passive film and corrosion layers composition is carried out. We take into account more than three decades of PCS usage as "in-situ" analytical technique and related results as well as the criticism of the underlying semi-empirical correlation relating the measured optical bandgap (E g ) to the passive film composition. The discrepancies between the experimental data, gathered by PCS measurements, and E g estimates originating from recently developed Density Functional Theory based modeling of solid state properties are stressed with particular emphasis on the case of anodic passive film grown on technologically important alloys (Fe-Cr and stainless steels). The extension of this correlation to mixed oxides and its use for relating the oxide composition to the bandgap values is critically reviewed by comparing the predicted E g of mixed oxides with the experimental values. Suggestions on how to account for different bandgap values of oxide polymorphs and how to correlate the E g values to the composition of mixed s,p-d-metal oxides are presented and discussed on the basis of experimental results reported in the literature. On the basis of this assessment, the ability of PCS in providing quantitative information on the composition of passive film and corrosion layer is generally confirmed. Fujimoto (fujimoto@mat.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp) and HeeJin Jang (heejin@chosun.ac.kr).
. This paper is a Critical Review in Electrochemical and Solid State Science and Technology (CRES 3 T). This article was reviewed by ShinjiPhotocurrent Spectroscopy (PCS) is currently employed for the characterization of solid-state properties of semiconducting and insulating materials, since the knowledge of their bandgap is a prerequisite to any possible application in different fields such as solar energy conversion (photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic solar cells, photocatalysis) and microelectronics (high-k, high band-gap materials).
1,2In the last 20-30 years an increasing number of electrochemists working in the field of corrosion have been attracted by this technique owing to its versatility and ability to scrutinize "in-situ" corrosion layers and passive films having semiconducting or insulating behavior. In previous as well as in very recent works 3-7 we have shown that PCS is able to provide detailed information on characteristic energy levels of passive film/electrolyte junctions (flatband potential: U FB ; internal photoemission threshold: E th ; bandgap value: E g ). Such information is necessary for a deeper understanding of the possible mechanisms of charge transfer (electrons and ions) at the metal/corrosion layer/electrolyte interface. Further advantages stem from the fact that the PCS technique does not require particular surface finishing control, it can be used both on large areas as well as in microscopic regions of the electrode, and can reach high sensitivity by using a lock-in amplifier coupled to a mec...