Motivation: Third-generation sequencing technologies produce long, but noisy reads with increasing sequencing throughput and decreasing per-base costs. Detecting read-to-read overlaps in such data is the most computationally intensive step in de novo assembly. Recently, efficient algorithms were developed for this task; nearly all of these utilize long k-mers (>10 bp) to compare reads, but vary in their approaches to indexing, hashing, filtering, and dimensionality reduction.
Results:We describe an algorithm for efficient overlap detection that directly compares the full spectrum of short k-mers, namely tetramers, through geometric embedding and approximate nearest neighbor search in multidimensional KD-trees. A proof of concept implementation detected read-toread overlaps in bacterial PacBio and ONT datasets with notably lower memory consumption than state-of-the-art approaches and allowed downstream de novo assembly into single contigs. We also introduce a sequence-context dependent tagging scheme that contributes to memory and computational efficiency and could be used with other aligning and overlapping algorithms.