In this study, we investigated engineered
nanoparticle (ENP) release
associated with the contamination of personal protective clothing
during the simulated motion of the human wearing the ENP-contaminated
protective clothing and evaluated the relative ENP retention on the
fabric. The release of airborne ENPs can contribute to inhalation
exposure, which is the route of exposure of most concern to cause
adverse health effects in the pulmonary system. The evaluation focuses
on four popular fabric materials making the laboratory coats (cotton,
polypropylene, polyester cotton blend, and Tyvek) and three types
of ENPs (Al2O3, carbon black (CB), and carbon
nanotube (CNT)). The magnitudes of particle contamination and resuspension
were investigated by measuring the number concentration increase of
airborne particles in sizes of 10 nm to 10 μm and the weight
changes on fabric pieces. Collected aerosol particles and contaminated
fabric surfaces were further characterized for understanding particle
morphology, elements, agglomeration, and surface contamination status.
The particle resuspension from the contaminated lab coat fabric was
found to vary by the type of fabric material. Cotton fabric showed
the highest level of particle resuspension for all three tested ENPs.
Data were evaluated to determine the dominant forces responsible for
ENP adhesion on the surface of the fabric. Tyvek fabric was determined
as the best fabric for trapping Al2O3 and carbon
black ENPs, indicating less resuspension of particles, meaning lower
subsequent release, but not durable enough to wear for the long term
compared with other fabrics.