Abstract-The paper states and proves an important result related to the theory of flow networks with disturbed flows:"the throughput flow constraint in any network is always equal to the throughput flow constraint in its dual network".After the failure or congestion of several edges in the network, the throughput flow constraint theorem provides the basis of a very efficient algorithm for determining the edge flows which correspond to the optimal throughput flow from sources to destinations which is the throughput flow achieved with the smallest amount of generation shedding from the sources.In the case where a failure of an edge causes a loss of the entire flow through the edge, the throughput flow constraint theorem permits the calculation of the new maximum throughput flow to be done in ) (m O time, where m is the number of edges in the network.In this case, the new maximum throughput flow is calculated by inspecting the network only locally, in the vicinity of the failed edge, without inspecting the rest of the network.The superior average running time of the presented algorithm, makes it particularly suitable for decongesting overloaded transmission links of telecommunication networks, in real time.In the paper, it is also shown that the deliberate choking of flows along overloaded edges, leading to a generation of momentary excess and deficit flow, provides a very efficient mechanism for decongesting overloaded branches.
Keywords-networks with disturbed flows; congestion; decongestion; maximum throughput flow; telecommunication networks
I. THE NEED FOR A HIGH-SPEED CONTROL OF FLOW NETWORKSAlthough almost all real networks are networks with disturbed flows, the focus of existing research on flow networks has been exclusively on static flow networks. Research and algorithms related to static flow networks has been presented in [1][2][3]. The first majorcategory of algorithms for maximising the throughput flow in networks includes the augmentation algorithms which preserve the feasibility of the network flow at all steps, until the maximum throughput flow is attained [4][5].The second major category of algorithms are based on the preflow concept used in [6] and subsequently in [7] and [8]. The central idea behind these algorithms is converting the preflow into a feasible flow.The best of these methods however, have a polynomial running time and do not provide the necessary computational speed for re-optimising the throughput flow in a large and complex network in real time, after an edge failure or congestion. The main reason is that classical algorithms for maximising the throughput flow start from a network with empty edges and do not make use of special properties of the network providing a short cut to determining the maximum throughput flow.The central question for networks with disturbed flows is how to re-optimise the network flows after an edge flow disturbance (caused by edge failure or congestion), so that a new optimal throughput flow is attained quickly.The concept 'new optimal throughput flow' me...