In the industrialized countries, the very old part of the population has been growing rapidly for many years. In the next few years in particular, the age cohort over 65 will increase significantly. This goes hand in hand with illnesses and other physical and cognitive limitations. In order to enable these people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible despite physical and cognitive restrictions, technologies are being used to create ambient assisted living applications. However, most of these systems are neither medically verified nor are latencies short enough, for example, to avoid falls. In order to overcome these problems, a promising approach is to use the new 5G network technology. Combined with a suitable sensor data analysis frame work, the fast care project showed that a real-time situation picture of the patient in the form of an Avatar could be generated. The sensor structure records the heart rate, the breathing rate, analyzes the gait and measures the temperature, the VOC content of the room air, and its humidity. An emergency button has also been integrated. In a laboratory demonstrator, it was shown that the infrastructure realizes a real-time visualization of the sensor data over a heterogeneous network.