A review of fast electron dynamic studies in the tokamaks TS, ET, and ASDEXduringlowerhybridcurrentdriveispresented.Inalmost allexperiments,the collisional slowing down is predominant, so a straightforward assessment of the fast electron radial transport is difficult, especially for large size tokamaks. From recent LHpowermodulation experimentsperfmedon TS atlowdensity, thefastelectron diffusioncoe~cient,D~~,isfoundbetween0.l-0.3m2s-1,close tothevaluedetermined on ASDEXin similarplasmaconditions.An estimateof D,,is alsoobtainedinTS and E T by modeling theplasma dynamics, u s i n g r a y -~i n g ~F o k P l ~c k codes. For E T , the fast electron transport is fully taken into account in the Fokker-Planck eqnation. Despite somequantitativediscrepancies between DStvaluesdete&ed from different methods, the difhsion rate of the fast electrons is weak enough for current profile control scenarii to be relevant on large tokamaks. A determination of the type of the turbulence -electrostatic or magneticthat could drive the radial transpon of fast electrons requires finer LH experiments.