We present faster high-accuracy algorithms for computing ℓ p -norm minimizing flows. On a graph with m edges, our algorithm can compute a (1 + 1/poly(m))-approximate unweighted ℓ p -norm minimizing flow with pm 1+ 1 p−1 +o(1) operations, for any p ≥ 2, giving the best bound for all p 5.24. Combined with the algorithm from the work of Adil et al. (SODA '19), we can now compute such flows for any 2 ≤ p ≤ m o(1) in time at most O(m 1.24 ). In comparison, the previous best running time was Ω(m 1.33 ) for large constant p. For p ∼ δ −1 log m, our algorithm computes a (1+δ)-approximate maximum flow on undirected graphs using m 1+o(1) δ −1 operations, matching the current best bound, albeit only for unit-capacity graphs.We also give an algorithm for solving general ℓ p -norm regression problems for large p. Our algorithm makes pm 1 3 +o(1) log 2 (1/ε) calls to a linear solver. This gives the first high-accuracy algorithm for computing weighted ℓ p -norm minimizing flows that runs in time o(m 1.5 ) for some p = m Ω(1) .Our key technical contribution is to show that smoothed ℓ p -norm problems introduced by Adil et al., are interreducible for different values of p. No such reduction is known for standard ℓ p -norm problems. an iterative refinement scheme for ℓ p -norm regression, giving a running time of O(p O(p) ·m p−2 3p−2 +1 ) ≤ O(p O(p) ·m 4 /3 ). Building on the work of Adil et al., Kyng et al.. [Kyn+19] designed an algorithmApproximating Max-Flow. For p ≥ log m, ℓ p norms approximate ℓ ∞ , and hence the above algorithm returns an approximate maximum-flow. For p = Θ log m δ , this gives a m 1+o(1) δ −1operations algorithm for computing a (1 + δ)-approximation to maximum-flow problem on unitcapacity graphs.Corollary 1.2. Given an (undirected) graph G with m edges with unit capacities, a demand vector d , and δ > 0, we can compute a flow f that satisfies the demands, i.e., B ⊤ f = d such thatThis gives another approach for approximating maximum flow with a δ −1 dependence on the approximation achieved in the recent works of Sherman [She17] and Sidford-Tian [ST18], albeit only for unit-capacity graphs, and with a m o(1) factor instead of poly(log m). To compute maxflow essentially exactly on unit-capacity graphs, one needs to compute p-norm minimizing flows for p = m.