High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) has become a key phase of the pattern mining process, which has wide applications, related to both quantities and profits of items. Many algorithms have been proposed to mine high-utility itemsets (HUIs). Since these algorithms often return a large number of discovered patterns, a more compact and lossless representation has been proposed. The recently proposed closed high utility itemset mining (CHUIM) algorithms were designed to work with certain types of databases (e.g., those without probabilities). In fact, real-world databases might contain items or itemsets associated with probability values. To effectively mine frequent patterns from uncertain databases, several techniques have been developed, but there does not exist any method for mining CHUIs from this type of databases. This work presents a novel and efficient method without generating candidates, named CPHUI-List, to mine closed potential high-utility itemsets (CPHUIs) from uncertain databases. The proposed algorithm is DFS-based and utilizes the downward closure property of high transaction-weighted probabilistic mining to prune non-CPHUIs. It can be seen from the experiment evaluations that the proposed algorithm has better execution time and memory usage than the CHUI-Miner. INDEX TERMS Uncertain database, data mining, knowledge discovery, high-utility itemset, closed high-utility itemset. TRINH D. D. NGUYEN received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in information technology and computer science from Ho Chi Minh Open University, Military Technology Academy, in 2001 and 2017, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the