“…Using the vacuum UV photoelectron spectrosocpy of SiO (X 1 Σ + ), Colbourn and coworkers [44] have estimated the spectroscopic constants for three ionic states of 28 Si 16 O + : X 2 Σ + , A 2 Π, and B 2 Σ + . Later, Rosner and coworkers [35,36,37,45] measured a number of high-resolution bands of A 2 Π − X 2 Σ + and B 2 Σ + − X 2 Σ + transitions of 28 Si 16 O + from LIF studies of mass-selected fast ion beams. By fitting the entire data with a Hamiltonian model, they have obtained more precise rotational and fine-structure constants for all three states.…”